Awesome New Project
2 to 4 players | Age 10+ | 45-90 minutes | Cooperative
You and your friends have an idea for an awesome new project, and you need to get it from concept to reality.

Awesome New Project is a cooperative game that challenges players to deliver their goals and face mounting challenges, before their motivation runs out.
Come and play it with us online, or in person!

How it works
Awesome New Project simulates the dynamics and challenges common to working in small teams. Players use action cards to generate connection, resource, and product tokens that are needed to complete project goals. The team wins when all the goals are completed, but it often feels impossible to do everything that’s required.

Each player has a unique combination of needs, skills and drives. Personal needs require tokens each round, drives can both help and hinder, and skills are often the only way out of a tough situation. Each round, an individual or group challenge is revealed, adding new obstacles.

When players are doing well, their motivation goes up, giving them more cards and abilities. When challenges grow, motivation dwindles, and the whole project threatens to grind to a halt. Success is a constant balancing act between doing the work, meeting personal needs, and keeping up motivation - just like a real project.
Why it's different
Many project simulations put the player in the role of an omniscient manager. Awesome New Project instead emphasises the challenging interpersonal dynamics of working in a small team towards shared goals.
Veteran collaborators find it cathartic, while novices stand to learn and avoid common pitfalls.
For new teams, it’s a great way to catalyse conversations that will improve their chance of success.
Ready to try Awesome New Project?
We are currently offering free demonstrations of Awesome New Project to fellow explorers, and to those interested in one of our workshops.
Hit us up in the contact form below!